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Title : Into the Wrecks

Vote average : 7.7 / 10
Total : 3 votes, see below

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Credits :
Composed and produced by Herten

Length : 05:33
Release date : April 2002
Style : Soundtrack
Album : Ethereal Visions

Description :
Originally composed for a diving movie made by my girlfriend, which was shot in the North part of the Red Sea, featuring the Thistlegorm wreck among other stuff.
I like this tune a lot so I decided to also include it in the Ethereal Visions demo CD.

Equipment used :
- Roland XP-80 (+ Expansion boards)
- Yamaha AW4416
- Alesis RA-100
- Tannoy Reveal Passive monitors

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Vote : 10 / 10

Location FRANCE
Date 2006-11-30 12:01:58
Comment I hope you did not give up music. I so much like your songs! Come back to reality (as you r song) and write some new things! PLEASE...............

Name : Abdelmoumen
[E-mail] [Web Site]

Vote : 10 / 10

Location Sweden
Date 2006-09-16 19:19:06
Comment yep ure right me too i like this song a lot u used ur xp 80 on it?

Name : Damocles
Vote : 10 / 10

Location France
Date 2004-08-29 15:40:41
Comment The best ! I listen to it everytime I am sad. And that works!


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