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Title : Kodomo

Vote average : 6.3 / 10
Total : 0 vote, see below

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Credits :
Composed by Herten

Length : 05:44
Release date : December 2001
Style : Japanese Rock
Album : none

Description :
This song was first composed for Ange last year in August, which unfortunately never got finished, but I wanted to release it anyway.
If you are interested in this song, you can use it but you need to contact me first (this song is protected).
You can listen to 2 versions : one with a lead instrument (supposed to be a lead vocal), the other without.

Equipment used :
- Roland XP-80 (+ Expansion boards)

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MP3 Download

Left-click to download file :

Download "Kodomo" now
Full version (with lead)
MP3 - 128 Kbps

File size : 5.26 MB
Nr of downloads : 3444

Download "Kodomo" now
Full version (without lead)
MP3 - 128 Kbps

File size : 5.26 MB
Nr of downloads : 3416


MP3 Streaming

Left-click to Stream MP3 :

Full version (with lead)
MP3 - 128 Kbps

Nr of clicks : 2993

Full version (without lead)
MP3 - 128 Kbps

Nr of clicks : 3005